Yo Mama Jokes About Intelligence: 55 Hilarious and Original Jokes


Yo Mama jokes are a classic form of humor, and jokes about intelligence are some of the most popular. These jokes poke fun in a light-hearted way, often exaggerating situations to deliver a punchline that will leave everyone laughing. Below, you’ll find 55 fresh and original Yo Mama jokes about intelligence that are perfect for sharing.

1-10: Classic Yo Mama Intelligence Jokes

  1. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought a quarterback was a refund.
  2. Yo mama’s so slow, it takes her an hour to make instant noodles.
  3. Yo mama’s so clueless, she tried to climb Mountain Dew.
  4. Yo mama’s so dumb, she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl.
  5. Yo mama’s so forgetful, she got lost on a one-way street.
  6. Yo mama’s so slow, she missed the bus even though it stopped for her.
  7. Yo mama’s so clueless, she tried to surf the microwave.
  8. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought a high IQ was a type of ice cream.
  9. Yo mama’s so forgetful, she walked into an elevator and forgot how to push the button.
  10. Yo mama’s so slow, she watches the clock tick.

11-20: Yo Mama Intelligence Jokes About Technology

  1. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought Bluetooth was a dental condition.
  2. Yo mama’s so slow, by the time she figured out how to turn on her computer, it was outdated.
  3. Yo mama’s so clueless, she thought Wi-Fi was a type of Asian food.
  4. Yo mama’s so dumb, she tried to download a pizza.
  5. Yo mama’s so forgetful, she has to look up her own phone number.
  6. Yo mama’s so slow, it takes her a week to update her Facebook status.
  7. Yo mama’s so clueless, she tried to send a fax with her toaster.
  8. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought Instagram was a weight-loss program.
  9. Yo mama’s so forgetful, she keeps a map to find her way around the internet.
  10. Yo mama’s so slow, she reads texts one word at a time.

21-30: Yo Mama Intelligence Jokes About School

  1. Yo mama’s so dumb, she failed a blood test.
  2. Yo mama’s so slow, it took her two years to pass first grade.
  3. Yo mama’s so clueless, she thought the library was a place to buy books.
  4. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought a report card was a menu.
  5. Yo mama’s so forgetful, she went to school on Sunday.
  6. Yo mama’s so slow, she does her homework during summer vacation.
  7. Yo mama’s so clueless, she thought history class was about the past week.
  8. Yo mama’s so dumb, she thought the alphabet had only 20 letters.
  9. Yo mama’s so forgetful, she needs to write down her own name.
  10. Yo mama’s so slow, she thought Pi was just a dessert.

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